Thursday, August 7, 2008

What Anne has been up to

Anne loves yogurt. She doesn't really like to drink milk, so we try to get dairy into her diet in other ways. Yogurt, cheese and cottage cheese are her favorites. She can't get enough! Eating at our house is a messy affair, but Annie thinks that it is serious business!

The other day Anne fell down while running around with her sippy cup. Her little lip hit right on the cup. She got a little bloody nose, and a bruise. I thought it looked like she had a little baby mustache :)

As we are getting ready to move on Friday, I've been packing up the house. Anne rediscovered her baby bath tub and has been having a lot of fun lounging in it. She has fallen in love with the hammock that goes in it, and even insisted that she take her nap with it. She took it to bed with her and slept on top of it!


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Tara said...

Oh that is funny about the bathtub. Kids do such silly things sometimes. (only sometimes) So where are you heading to? I hope you are doing and feeling well Shari, you have been on my mind. Good luck with the move and all the fun that brings. hehe
Take care!!!