Monday, September 29, 2008

My new skill

I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that until a few weeks ago, I had never actually mowed a lawn. Growing up, my dad wouldn't let us mow the lawn, because he was afraid we'd break either his lawn mower or a few sprinklers. After getting married, Justin has always done the mowing. Justin's allergies have been bothering him while mowing , so I offered to take over mowing duties. I've done it a few times now, and have to admit that I kind of enjoy it! Justin of course had to take pictures of my first lawn mowing experience!


Tara said...

I know what you mean, I love it too! It's a great work out, and I enjoy seeing the neatly trimmed stripes on the lawn. I hardly get to do it though, since Bill thinks it is such a "man's job", but I sneak it in every once in a while. :)

jill said...

you're crazy (but a very good wife.)

Karin said...

Hey cutie, did you break any sprinklers? Cuz Dad would hate to have to come to AZ to fix it for you, hahaha!

Jill said...

Impressive! I think my husband is like Dad and would prefer that I don't mow the lawn. I don't know, I'll have to ask.

Our little corner said...

you are such a good wife :)