Monday, January 5, 2009

Chihuly at the Deseret Botalical Garden

We went and saw the Chihuly displays at the Botanical Garden today for Justin's birthday. It was so cool. They had the glass sculptures among all of the desert plants. Some of the sculptures looked like they were really part of the landscape. We were there as the sun was getting low in the sky, and it was really beautiful!

Anne has a "cool" look that she gets when she wears her sunglasses. We try to get her to smile, but she just keeps her "cool face" on.

Happy Birthday Justin! I love you so much!


Tara said...

That is amazing! SO incredible! I have always wanted to learn how to blow glass and make sculptures that way, He is an amazing artist! Annie looks adorable! It's funny, I just posted a similar picture of Eddie in glasses, but it reflects our opposite climates. These kids are too much!

Jill said...

Happy Birthday Justin. Annie does look really "cool".

Karin said...

Very cute...happy birthday Justin!

Sister Hansen said...

Wow Shari!....the photography is beautiful. And that "I'm so cool" expression on Annie's face is so cute. I would have loved to have seen that display in such gorgeous surroundings...thanks for sharing it with us.
PS...I didn't realize you had a new posting..I hadn't checked for a while so it was a wonderful surprise and I love your new design for your site

Jill said...

I'm waiting for birthday pics of "The cool miss Anne." Hope she had a good one!