Sunday, November 2, 2008


OK, Karin. I was tagged for this so here are my answers...

1. How long have you been together?
Married 5 years

2. How long did we date?
6 months, yikes!

3. How old is he?
31 (almost 32 :) I'll always be the young hot wife :)

4. Who eats more?
Um...him, or me. I eat a lot, and often eat more than he does

5. Who said, "I love you," first?

6. Who is taller?

7. Who does the laundry?

8. Who does the dishes?
Me, though he did them tonight!!! Nice!

9. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
It depends. If you're looking at the bed, Justin. If you're laying in bed, me.

10. Who pays the bills?

11. Who mows the lawn?
It used to be Justin, but I recently took it over.

12. Who cooks dinner?

13. Who is more stubborn?
Definitely Justin

14. Who kissed who first?
Justin kissed me first!

15. Who asked who out?
Justin asked me out, with a little prompting from his mom. Thanks Shirley!

16. Who proposed?
Justin, though I knew it was coming :)

17. Who is more sensitive?
That's a hard one. I would say me, but he holds a grudge longer.

18. Who has more siblings?

19. What were you doing ten years ago?
Starting high school! Being a Cheerleader! Go Cavemen!

20. Five things on my to-do list:
1. Change my sheets
2. Recover my couch (I actually bought fabric, after thinking about it for a long time!)
3. Organize my newly acquired food storage items.
4. Make an eye appointment
5. Get flu shots for the fam

21. Things I would do if I was suddenly made a billionaire.
Um...make my hubby design and build our dream house. Move closer to family. Buy a swing set.

22. Three of my bad habits:
1. Making piles. I hate piles, but I'm always making them.
2. Waiting days to fold a batch of laundry instead of right when it comes out of the dryer. (this makes for very wrinkly clothes, and I wouldn't recommend it.)
3. Laundry issue again...Forgetting to put a load of laundry into the dryer, and having to wash it again so it doesn't stink anymore.

23. Five places I have lived:
1. American Fork, Utah
2. Orem, Utah
3. Back to American Fork, Utah
4. Lehi, Utah
5. Tempe, Arizona

24. Five jobs I have had:
1. 5 Buck Pizza. I will never eat there again!
2. Data Entry (ooo, exciting!)
3. Photography assistant
4. Secretary
5. Accounts Receivable/Collections (my favorite! It helped me get my mean streak out!)

Things people don't know about me:
If you don't know, I probably don't want you to! I love doing puzzles!

I tag Sylvia, Tiffany and Kami!


Karin said...

Now wasn't that fun? Thanks for doing this, no one did my last one!

Tara said...

I love your lawn arrangment! hehe, that's funny. And I am with you on the laundry, and the piles around the house. What's funny, is that my kids now make piles all over the place. And they categorize junk into piles before putting it away. Piles, piles, piles. blah, blah, blah. :) this was a fun tag, I like learning more about you!